“Birth isn’t something we suffer, but something we actively do and exalt in.” ~ Sheila Kitzinger
Litte Love |
Little Love’s Genesis - A Birth Story
Tired Mommy & Little Love, just minutes old, still w/ vernix |
A very tired Little Love |
Happily Nursing |
So Sleepy |
I think your experience sounds amazing. A home birth wouldn't have worked for me, I live in a small town. We had to drive 2 1/2 hours to deliver. There is a hospital 45 mins. away but, they don't have an anthesiologist and therefore didn't want to deliver in case a c-section was needed. I also wanted the epidural, I'm a huge suck when it comes to pain. I like the fact the midwifes come to your house, spend time with you and explain things! So glad you were able to have a home birth and that it went well. Your little love is adorable.
Emily Sunwell
Hi Sarah, thank you! It's not for everyone, and I know it can be hard in some areas to find a local midwife. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
Thank you for sharing this most beautiful and intimate experience Em --- I am in tears! You are an amazing woman and I am beyond grateful that you are my friend! Your little love is so lucky to have such an intelligent and thoughtful mother; the world would be a better place if we all came into the world in such a peaceful and loving way! Bless you and your gorgeous little love ---> ALWAYS!!! OXO
Emily Sunwell
Thanks love! That means so much to me, tear 🙂 xoxo You are an amazing friend too, I am so grateful for you, I love you.
I love reading birth stories. Thanks for sharing and for the links for more info. I was happy to see that The Business Of Being Born is on Netflix instant, so I am going to watch that soon. Thanks!
Emily Sunwell
Thank you Sharon! That's great that Netflix has it on instant, I hope you enjoy it 🙂
Hybrid Rasta Mama
I am a sucker for a birth story and this one is soooooo beautiful. Wow! What a serene, peaceful birth. The power of our bodies is beyond comprehension. I pretty much cried the whole way through. It is just so refreshing to read something so intimate, natural, and powerful. Thank you for opening up your life and letting us have a glimpse into Little Love's entrance earthside. Love to you both!
Emily Sunwell
Thank you Jennifer! That means SO much to me! Thank you, thank you, such kinds words. I am a sucker for birth stories too 🙂 Love to you!
Easy Natural Food
This is a beautiful story, thanks for sharing it. I love reading these stories since its something I'll never experience myself (L is adopted). Happy (belated) birthday to Little Love!
Emily Sunwell
Thanks for reading it Debbie, and thank you. Your daughter is such a little beauty, I hope you all are doing well.
What a beautiful birth story! I had my littlest one at home with Rachel (Tosi joined us shortly thereafter) nearly seven years ago, one of the most empowering experiences of my life. My first was an induced labor that ended in a cesarean after nearly five hours of pushing, and my second was a lovely VBAC in the hospital (back in 1997 when they were actually encouraged!). How surprising to find in 2005 my options living in Davis were surgery there, a "trial of labor" (maybe, if I was lucky...) at UC Davis Med Center, or home birth. I already knew Rachel from my La Leche League days and the Waldorf school where I taught, and my MD had backed Tosi for years and fully endorsed my decision. My labor came so fast and furious I was very glad not to have a drive across the causeway ahead of me...my daughter was in my arms about half an hour after having my cervix checked at five centimeters, and I certainly wouldn't have left for the hospital sooner than that! I'm eternally grateful for the wonderful, skillful midwives who gave me a true choice in how I wanted to birth. Also, now that I work as a labor/postpartum nurse, I am even more pleased than I was at the time that my doctor supported and even encouraged my decision to birth at home. If she had instead tried to instill fear in me, I might well have ended up with an entirely unnecessary surgery and all the pain, suffering, and long recovery period that goes along with that!
Emily Sunwell
Thank you SO much for sharing this!!! That is so cool that we have the same midwives! What a beautiful story you have. Maybe we'll meet at one of the potlucks someday. Be well.
Such a beautiful story! I am so glad you ran into your friends and found your midwives. I knew nothing about this back in 2000 when I had my first. I was blessed with a wonderful doctor, though. I had eclampsia with my first and a C-section with my second. So I think I am glad I didn't know or I would have been so disappointed! Thanks for sharing your story to encourage other mothers! Great job, Mama!
Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri
Thank you Marisa! And thank you for sharing about your experience too ... our stories and experiences are so important and special.
Raine Saunders
What a beautiful story Emily! Thank you so much for sharing! I love all the things you said and described about your process, and I am in awe of the birthing process, and especially homebirth. If I ever had another child, I would definitely choose a homebirth. My son was born in the hospital as we had complications due to the fact that I had a ruptured appendix in my 7th month of pregnancy, but I'm so grateful that we both made it through that experience.
The idea of being at home with your family and in a place of love and support for one of life's most profound experiences fills me with so much love and joy, I can't even describe it! I hope that as more women share these stories of having children in their home environments, more will choose this path. It's amazing! 🙂 <3
Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri
Wow, what an experience you went through with a ruptured appendix! I'm so grateful the both of you are fine too.
Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words xo